
Zoom Bible Study Group

Zoom Bible Study Group

The Zoom Bible Study Group meets virtually twice monthly on a Saturday morning at 9:30am-10:30am, usually on the first and third Saturdays.

The group spends time thinking about and discussing a particular part of the Bible along with some time in prayer.

No future meetings are currently scheduled. Please check back soon when more dates are added.

For more details of upcoming meetings please check out our calendar, or for more information please contact Rosemary Milns by emailing

Friendship Club

Friendship Club

The Friendship Club meets once monthly on a Monday (usually on the third Monday) at 2:15pm in the church hall, where talks are given on a variety of interesting topics.

At each of the meetings there is tea, cakes and a chance for a natter!

The next meetings are on the following dates:

Monday 16 September
My life in medicine - The Revd Mandy James

Monday 21 October
Attendance Allowance - The Revd Ruth Dewis

Monday 18 November
Speaker to be confirmed

Monday 16 December
Christmas programme including a bring and share tea

For more details of upcoming meetings please check out our calendar, or for more information please contact Sylvia Coombs by emailing

Social events

Social events

We hold a variety of other social events and activities including lunches, concerts, bazaars, quiz nights and lots more.

Check out our calendar to find out what's coming up soon!